If you are a parent reading this web site, you likely have a child with Down syndrome, as I do. My intent with this article is to provide you with some information about how an occupational therapist (OT) may be able to help you and your child. Occupational therapists who work with children have education and training in child development, neurology, medical conditions,
psychosocial development, and therapeutic techniques. Occupational therapists focus on the child's ability to master skills for independence. This can include:
- self care skills (feeding, dressing, grooming etc.)
- fine and gross motor skills
- skills related to school performance (eg: printing, cutting etc.)
- play and leisure skills
When your child is an infant, your immediate concerns relate to his
health and growth, development of the basic motor milestones, social
interaction with you and others, interest in things going on around him, and
early speech sounds and responses. At this stage an OT may become involved
- assist with oral-motor feeding problems (this can also be addressed by
Speech Pathologists). Due to hypotonia and weakness of the muscles of the
cheeks, tongue and lips, feeding is difficult for some infants with Down
syndrome. OTs suggest positioning and feeding techniques, and can be
involved in doing feeding studies, if necessary.
- help facilitate motor milestones, particularly for fine motor skills.
Occupational therapists and Physical therapists work closely together to
help the young child develop gross motor milestones (eg: sitting, crawling,
standing, walking).OTs work with the child at this stage to promote arm and
hand movements that lay the foundation for later developing fine motor
skills. The low muscle tone and loose ligaments at the joints associated
with Down syndrome are real challenges to early motor development and
occupational therapy can help your child meet those challenges.
When your child is a toddler and preschooler, she will likely have some
independent mobility and will be busy exploring her environment. To assist
her development you will want to provide her with many opportunities for
learning, you will want to encourage the beginning steps in learning to feed
and dress herself, you will want her to learn how to play appropriately with
toys and interact with other children, you will be encouraging speech and
language skills, and you will continue to provide opportunities for
refinement of gross motor skills. At this stage an OT may become involved
- facilitate the development of fine motor skills. This is an important stage
in the development of fine motor skills for children with Down syndrome. Now
they will be developing the movements in their hands that will allow them to
do many things as they get older, but many children need some therapy input
to ensure that these movements do develop. Children do this through play;
they open and close things, pick up and release toys of varying sizes and
shapes, stack and build, manipulate knobs and buttons, experiment with
crayons etc. Your child may face more challenges learning fine motor skills
because of low muscle tone, decreased strength and joint ligament laxity.
- help you promote the beginning steps of self help skills. An OT can help
parents break down the skills so expectations are appropriate, and can
suggest positioning or adaptations that might help the child be more
independent. For example, a child may have more success feeding herself with
a particular type of spoon and dish.
Then your child enters the school system and the focus of your energies
changes somewhat again! You help your child adjust to new routines, you
attend school meetings to plan your child's educational program, you focus
on speech and communication, you help your child practise fine motor skills
for school (such as learning to print), you expect your child to develop
more independence in self help activities, and you search out
extracurricular activities that will expose your child to a variety of
social, physical and learning experiences. At this stage an OT may become
involved to:
- facilitate fine motor skill development in the classroom. Many OTs work in
the school system and provide programs to help children with Down syndrome
learn printing, handwriting, keyboarding, cutting etc. They will also look
at physical positioning for optimal performance (eg: desk size etc.) and
assist with program adaptations based on the child's physical abilities.
- facilitate self help skills at home and at school. As with all children, our
kids with Down syndrome vary in personality, temperament, and motivation to
be independent. Some children with Down syndrome have a desire to do things
themselves, such as dress and feed themselves. These children may learn
these skills by watching others and participating from a young age. Other
children may be happy to let others do things for them, and may resist
attempts to help them learn these skills. In these cases an OT may be able
to help a parent work out these challenges, while helping the child develop
better motor skills to be successful in self help skills.
- address any sensory needs your child may have. Sometimes a parent has a
concern about things their child does that may relate to the child's sensory
development. For example, a child may excessively put toys in her mouth, she
may have poor awareness of her body in space, she may squeeze everything too
hard or drop things a lot, or she may not tolerate very well some routines
like washing and brushing hair. An OT can offer suggestions to help the
child and parents deal with these issues.
As parents we must be concerned with the well-being of our child in all
respects. We have so many things to think about and keep track of: medical
and dental needs, motor and communication needs, educational needs,
advocacy, social and behavioral needs : the list seems to go on and on! We
need the help of trained professionals to guide us and to work with our
children to help them achieve their potential in life. An occupational
therapist is one member of the team that we can rely on to provide
professional assistance throughout the growth and development of our
children. In Canada, occupational therapy services for children with Down
syndrome can be accessed through hospitals, home care programs, infant
development programs, specialty nursery schools, public schools, and through
private therapy services.
(Editor's note: In the US, OT services can be obtained through Early Childhood Intervention programs, public and private schools, and from private therapists.)
Further information about fine motor development can be found in my book
"Fine Motor Skills in Children with Down Syndrome", published by Woodbine
House (800-843-7323) in 1998.
