Last Updated: Mar 7, 2008 |
Down Syndrome E-mail Lists, Newsgroups and Bulletin Boards |
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Compiled by Dr. Len Leshin![]() |
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Down-Syn Listserv / NewsgroupThe granddaddy of them all. Begun by Bill McGarry and is often referred to as "The List" or "The Listserv." You may subscribe to this e-mail list by sending e-mail to: and writing: subscribe down-syn <your real name> in the body of the e-mail. The listserv program will automatically obtain your e-mail address from your message. |
Archives are available at:
Upsndowns ListThe second mailing list is called the "upsndowns" list and is run by Tim and Cindy Casten. You must be a subscriber to read and post messages. This list is not accessible through newsgroups. This list is now run through Yahoo groups. To subscribe, first register at Then sign up for the list at If you have trouble subscribing, contact Cindy Casten at DS-AutismThis e-mail list is for families and others interested in supporting children and adults with the dual diagnosis of Down syndrome and autism, autistic spectrum disorders, or Pervasive Development Disorder (PDD). Subscribe at Downs-Syn-UK ListThis is a Downs syndrome discussion forum for individuals from the United Kingdom. To subscribe go to Swedish Down Syndrome ListThis list is mainly for communication in Swedish but others are also welcome to join with questions in English but must realise that most communications will be held in Swedish. This can be acessed by sending an e-mail to with no subject and the following text in the body : subscribe downsyn German Down Syndrome ListThis is a mailing list in German. To subscribe send e-mail to and in the subject line put Down-Syndrom Briefkasten Start Brazilian Down Syndrome List IThis is a mailing list in Portuguese. Messages in Spanish are also accepted. To subscribe send e-mail to with the following command in the body of your e-mail message: subscribe downet (Note: As of 2005, it was a SPAM-heavy list.) Brazilian Down Syndrome List IIAnother mailing list about DS in Portuguese. To subscribe visit: Canadian Down Syndrome ListThis list is called down-syn-canada. The purpose of this list is enable people to exchange information about Down syndrome as it pertains to the Canadian context. Examples of the type of information that might be requested or discussed include: requests for, and listings of professionals or consultants in specific regions in Canada who deal with people with Down syndrome; educational, legal or public policy issues effecting people with Down syndrome that are specific to Canada (or regions therein); news about tests conducted in Canada that involve or target people with Down syndrome; and descriptions of how people with Down syndrome are depicted in the (Canadian) media. More information about down-syn-canada, including details on subscribing, can be found here. Swiss Down Syndrome ListThis is the "Schweizer Down Syndrom Mailingliste." To subscribe, please send e-mail to, in the subject line enter 'SUBSCRIBE' Hungarian Down Syndrome ListFor parents of children with DS in Hungary. To sign up, send e-mail to Yahoo / MSN / AOL Groups and ClubsThese are "website communities" that make it easy to set up free e-mail lists or bulletin boards. As a result, these come and go frequently. Here are some of the more popular and long-lasting groups dealing with Down syndrome: Downs-Heart "A contact point for families who have a member with Down's Syndrome and associated congenital heart disease. Support and information for those whose child is facing heart surgery, who has had surgery, those whose condition is inoperable, and those families who are bereaved." Go to downsyndrome "a place where parents can get together to discuss all the issues related to Down syndrome. Here you can meet with other parents and learn what other parents are doing for their children with Down syndrome." Go to down_syndrome "A list for parents of children with Down Syndrome to brag, talk about concerns, medical problems, schooling,therapy, and so on." Go to Down Syndrome Assoc. Leadership Forum "This listserv is for Board members and employees of Down syndrome associations. This listserv will be a forum to share experiences and ideas and to seek advice to better our community." Go to Mosaic DS "A support list for parents (and family members too) whose babies/children/adult children have been diagnosed with Mosaic Down Syndrome." Go to DownSyndromeParents "This list is for parents who have children with Down syndrome. Come and share your thoughts and experiences with us." Go to DS Teens Plus "A mailing list dedicated to the parents, family members and friends of teens and "olders" born with Down syndrome." Go to Single DS parents "If you are single and raising a child with Down Syndrome - this is the place! We have all the usual single parent stuff, plus the added weight of caring for our special children." Go to Multiples-DS "For families that have multiple births, in which one or more of the children have Down syndrome. Also, we welcome families with more than one child with Down syndrome (adoptive and biological parents, too)." Go to Down Syndrome & Leukemia "A support group designed to discuss issues related to individuals with Down Syndrome who have leukemia." Go to Down Syndrome Canadian Parents "A Canadian Club for parents with children with DS to go to for support and friendships." Go to Downsyndrome-Irish "This is a group for any one with a child who has down syndrome but if you are Irish or have an Irish connection (or even if you don't) you are especially welcome." Go to Africans and Downs Syndrome A support group for African families with Children with DS in UK/US. Go to Down's Syndrome Angels "Parents of Down's Syndrome children and other special need children sharing advice, giving support, sharing milestones of our spcial angels." Go to Down Syndrome, A Whole New World An MSN group with bulletin boards, chats and other information. Go to Families Dealing with DS An MSN group with bulletin boards, chats and other information. Go to Down Syndrome for Everyone An MSN group with bulletin boards, chats and other information. Go to Les Enfants Tournesols/Un regard sur la Trisomie An MSN group in French. Go to Trisomie 21, de l'Estrie Another MSN Group in French. Go to You will find several smaller lists by doing a search for "Down syndrome" on Yahoo's, MSN's or AOL's groups websites. ![]() OTHER BULLETIN BOARDS / FORUMSAssociationsNat'l Assoc. for DS Boards Community Websites
Parents' Place BB BB Trisomy 21 Online Siblings Community Personal
Down Syndrome/Trisomy 21 Board Down Syndrome Hudson Valley Forum (by the Arnold Corporation) Uno Mas Boards (plus a chat room) AOL also has DS bulletin board areas:
![]() Other Notable Email ListsThese lists don't deal specifically with Down syndrome, but may be of interest to parents of children with Down syndrome. Our-Kids The Our-Kids list consist of over 800 people representing children of varying diagnosis; everything from indefinite developmental delays and sensory integration problems, to cerebral palsy, to rare genetic disorders. For discussing accomplishments, defeats, medical and educational problems, and many other topics. Go to to subscribe. ![]() |
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